Wednesday, August 12, 2020


          Gordon Craig     Rhonda Erickson



  1. For general rules regarding showing, refer to the “Recommendations and Guidelines for Saskatchewan 4-H Council & Light Horse Policies & Guidelines” (Revised September 2000. March 2001) available from the Saskatchewan 4-H Office, Saskatoon, SK.
  2. The 4-H Light Horse Section is limited to bonafide 4-H members participating in a current 4-H Light Horse Program.
  3. AGE GROUPS (as of January 1, 2020):
    Clover Buds:  6-8 yrs, Juniors:  9– 12 yrs, Intermediate: 13 – 15 yrs, Seniors: 16 – 21 yrs.
  4. 4-H Light Horse Club members entered must have a current 4-H Light Horse record book completed.  Record books to be handed in at time of entry.
  5. Exhibitors may enter only one horse that must be the member’s own project horse.  It is the sole responsibility of the leader to advise the Show Office of any cancellations of entries.  A veterinary certificate is required for a change of horse.
  6. An exhibitor must exhibit the animal in the show ring and take exclusive charge of the animal during the show.  The exhibitor must also have the complete control of their horse at all times or they may be asked to leave the grounds at the discretion of the Show Committee.
  7. All horses shall be in good health and it is also recommended they be vaccinated for the following Equine Encephalomyelitis (sleeping sickness), Rhinopneumontis (rhino), Influenza (flu), and West Nile Virus and tested for Equine Infectious Anemia (swamp fever).
  8. Exhibitors are required to bring their own feed and bedding for their horses.
  9. Animals entered must be on the grounds by 9:00 a.m. Wednesday and will be released after the Show.
  10. BARN FEE – See Light Horse rules.
  11. ENTRY FEE - $20.00 per member, regardless of the number of events entered.
  12. We now switched to the computer entry system.  Show Office will be open 1 hour prior to show time.  Waivers must also be completed at this time.
  13. A Show Number will be given to the members at time of entry and must be worn in the show ring at all times.
  14. Competitors are required to dress and use tack and equipment which is consistent with 4-H rules.  Helmets (18 and under) must be worn in or out of arena when mounted.  Disqualification may result if hats are intentionally discarded during gymkhanas.
  15. Stallions are not permitted.
  16. No bats, crops, quirts, whips or ends of reins are allowed.
  17. Riding of horses in front of barns is permitted at a walk only.
  18. No grooming or tying of horses in alleyways of barns.  Grooming is to be done on west side of Barn #1.
  19. It is the responsibility of the 4-H Light Horse Club Leader and the participant to be knowledgeable of the general and special rules of the show.
  20. Clubs may set up Barn Displays.  Leaders are to present a letter to the Agricultural Society Office by Friday, Aug 7, 2020, indicating the number of stalls required.
  21. All horses must be in the barns prior to the Show and not in the campgrounds or elsewhere tied to the trailers.
  22. Prizes and ribbons will be awarded.
  23. Any complaints or protests must be made to the Show Office during the class before the horses leave the ring!
  24. 4-H Light Horse Committee makes final decisions on all disputes.
  25. Please clean stalls before leaving the Exhibition Park.
  26. Unloading and loading of horses and equipment to be done on the South side of barns from Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. to Friday, August 14, 2020 at 11:00 p.m.  Livestock Trailers to be parked south of Agriplex.
  27. Northwest Territorial Days 4-H Light Horse Committee and the Battlefords Agricultural Society does not accept any responsibility for loss, injury or damage to contestants, spectators, horses, or other property.
  28. Leaders must pick up a one- day gate admission pass for 4-H day prior to August 7, 2020 for all members that will be participating in the Show - MEMBERS 12 + UNDER WILL GET IN FOR FREE. Barn passes - is NOT A PARKING PASS ($10.00) may be purchased at this time.

4-H LIGHT HORSE CLASSES – 10:00 A.M., AUGUST 12, 2020


PRIZE MONEY:        
1st - $20.00            2nd - $15.00                 3rd - $10.00              4th - $5.00


SR.      INT.       JR.  CB          OPEN                           
301      302        303  304                       Showmanship & Groomin
                                                    305     English Pleasure (60% Horse/40% Rider)
                                                    306     English Equitation (40% Horse/60% Rider)
307      308        309  310                       Western Pleasure (60% Horse/40% Rider)
311      312        313                               Western Horsemanship (40% Horse/60% Rider)

SR.      INT.        JR.                OPEN
314      315        316                               Western Riding
317      318        319                               Trail
                          320                               Pairs (May be from different clubs.  Pairs must                                                                  be reported to the Show Office.  Judging is                                                                        based on grooming, dress of members, and                                                                      uniformity of exhibit. Ribbons only.)
                          321                               Group Ride – 4 Horses (Judging is based on                                                                      same criteria   as Class 318. Ribbons only.)
                          322                               First Time Exhibitor (Exhibitors must not have                                                                    previously shown at NWT Days.)
323      324        325                   326      Barrels
327      328        329                   330      Pole Bending
                                                   331      Barn Display